Post-graduated Course in Advanced Oral Implantology, Tissue Regeneration and Oral Rehabilitation
This is the most complete formation available at the SPI Research Centre and is probably one of the most complete formations existent in the area. The intensive method used allied to the latest technologies provides the student not only with clinical skills but also prepares him to use the “state-of-the-art” technologies available in the field.
The Post-graduated course also includes Legal aspects related with the area, Basic Sciences and Biology, Basic Life Support, Medical Emergencies, Digital Planning using the Nemotec DSD (Digital Smile Design), Consensus and Procedures and covers ALL different kinds of implants and prosthetic solutions, either conventional and non-conventional used nowadays.
This formation covers Advanced Techniques in Tissue Regeneration (PRF, Piezzo Surgery, among others), rehabilitation of atrophic maxillae using non-conventional implants (zygomatic, tilted single body, blade and sub-periosteal implants) and Prosthetic Rehabilitation.
This last step, the Prosthetic Rehabilitation, is complemented with specific content about Aesthetics in General Dentistry and in Implantology in a way that it will allow the conclusion and finalization of the Oral Rehabilitation achieving the best results possible.
At the SPI Research Centre we believe that a complete professional should contribute to the academic community, this way, the students will be asked to write 1 to 2 scientific articles to be published in the JSPIR (Journal of Surgery, Periodontology and Implant Research), with the support of our experimented Scientific Team. The submitted articles will be assessed by the team of Revisers and International Editors of the Journal.
This formation includes all the programmatic content of all the courses existent at the SPI Research Centre, with the exception of the course:
Duration: 405h
- 360h - Theoretical, Pre-clinical and Clinical components (mandatory attendance)
- 45h - Research and Scientific Investigation (non-mandatory attendance)
- Free Members / Standard Members: 9200€
- Premium / Professional Members: 8700€
- This course is distributed in a period of 6 weeks (5-8 days per week) over 6 consecutive months.
- The 45h of non-mandatory presence of the Research and Scientific Investigation modules are on Tuesdays in dates to be defined.
- Minimum students required: 3
- Maximum students, depending on the vacancies filled in other courses: 4 to 6
Programmatic Content
1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
5th Week
6th Week