Surgery of Impacted Teeth - From Orthodontic Traction to Extraction
The presence of Impacted Teeth has a multifactorial aetiology. Depending on the Impacted Tooth, its position, among other factors, various treatments may be indicated, either for its Extraction or for its Orthodontic Traction. It is considered a very common area in daily clinical practice, and it is therefore important to recognize the indications for each type of treatment as well as to avoid the possible associated complications. This course aims to train professionals in the surgery of Impacted Teeth, both in Extraction and Orthodontic Traction, equipping them with skills for Diagnosis, Treatment Plan and Treatment of common clinical cases, through an intense program in their theoretical content and its clinical component, through intense presentation of clinical cases and surgical practice in patients. The Professionals will have access to the latest and current means of 3D diagnosis and to a complete set of instruments for performing the surgical acts. The surgeries will be aided by Piezosurgery and PRF technology, whenever necessary. Duration: